It's been an amazing twenty-four hours for The Baker Street Babes. Tons of things have happened and one of these is our new collaboration with MX Publishing! If you follow our tumblr or twitter, you would have seen a post about The Great Sherlock Holmes debate that they are hosting.
Well! Not only are we collaborating with them to bring you book reviews and interviews with authors of new pastiches and works on Sherlock Holmes, but we will be one of the Team Members for the debate! We're entering on the side of BBC Sherlock, but the debate itself it going to be a lot of fun! So if you tune in on the 10th of November (8pm GMT, 3pm EST, Noon PST), you will see the Baker Street Babes in action!
You can learn about the amazing people at MX below!
About MX Publishing
MX Publishing is one of the UK's leading independent publishers based in London. We have two main divisions - Coaching and Therapy including NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Victorian Literature and History. We have a host of Holmes authors including the internationally acclaimed Alistair Duncan, Paul R Spiring, and Brian W Pugh. In addition to Holmes we are interested in sporting history and on occasion also consider historical fiction. MX Publishing is the #1 publisher of women Sherlock Holmes authors in the UK.
Curly is lucky enough to be attending two swanky Sherlock Holmes soirees in October! A Study In Scandal conference in Toronto, Canada and Watson's Tin Box Dinner in Columbia, MD. She'll be writing full reports of both events!
Was Arthur Conan Doyle a scandal magnet? After all, this is a man whose integrity is engraved in stone - his headstone, in fact - which reads “Steel True, Blade Straight,” a champion of the falsely accused who, together with his great detective, is forever associated with justice and moral rectitude.
And yet, controversy pursued him during his lifetime and has dogged him into his afterlife, resulting in a kind of mystery story in its own right.
Now we will be the detectives, conducting an investigation into the spurious (or are they?) charges levelled against him in an effort to gather enough evidence to justify them or dismiss them as myths and innuendo once and for all.
We will also explore the culture of scandal endemic in Victorian literature, theatre and popular culture which no doubt exerted its influence on the Canon and Conan Doyle’s other writings
Watson’s Tin Box is dedicated to reading and discussing the stories of Sherlock Holmes. Ours is a congenial group which invites and encourages members of all levels of knowledge and understanding of the stories, from the seasoned Sherlockian to the beginner, whom we all envy as they are discovering Holmes for the first time. The goal is to enjoy the stories and each other’s company!
We'll be updating you more about our newest developments, including some AMAZING interviews we've got set up, but for now just spread the word about the podcast. Tell your friends and other Sherlock Holmes fans about it!
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