An Entirely New Country
By Alistair Duncan
Reviewed by Maria
The Baker Street Babes
familiar with Alistair Duncan through the Save Undershaw campaign, I was very
interested in reading An Entirely New Country, which is set against the
backdrop of the ten years Arthur Conan Doyle spent at Undershaw, the house he
designed and had built for his family in the 1890s. I had also read Andrew
Lycett’s biography of Doyle and was curious to see how Duncan would write about
those significant years in Doyle’s life.
An Entirely New Country
is a detailed account of ten of the most important and productive years in the
life of Arthur Conan Doyle. This window into the life of the author, sportsman,
politician, husband, father and friend is framed by Doyle’s life in Undershaw,
Hindhead; the home which he designed and had built for himself and his family
and where he moved in 1897. The ulterior motif for the move to Surrey was the
health of Doyle’s wife Louise, who suffered from tuberculosis. The healthy
environment of Hindhead did indeed help her to live much longer than any
physician had dared to hope. However, it is also known that Doyle fell in love
with a much younger woman, who would eventually become his wife after Louise’s
death. The difficult situation Doyle found himself in and the rather
insensitive way in which he dealt with it is only one of the focal points of An Entirely New Country. Duncan manages to depict Doyle as the private man; the man
who always consulted his mother before making any major and even minor
decisions; the man who dined with royalty and who moved in the highest
political and social circles; the man who stood up for a completely unknown man
named George Edalji, because he believed he had been erroneously convicted of a
crime he had never committed.
makes extensive use of contemporary newspaper articles, letters and diary
entries to paint a very vivid and round picture of the beloved author. As
pointed out by Mark Gatiss in the introduction to the book, Conan Doyle’s many
roles in life are brought into focus and insights into his private life shed
new light on Arthur Conan Doyle - the man. The book is a pot of gold where it
comes to details and unknown facts about Doyle’s life, which add up to a much
larger and more concise picture of a man who has done and achieved more than
seems humanly possibly in one lifetime
An Entirely New Country is a biography, but Duncan’s subtle
humour makes it much more than just a collection of facts and dates. The
commentary on the different aspects of Conan Doyle’s life and interactions with
his friends and acquaintances helps to see a much more private person; a person
who failed his loved ones; who, despite his best efforts, did not always
succeed; and a man, who did not particularly like his most famous and beloved
character: Sherlock Holmes. Many things have been written about Arthur Conan
Doyle, both good and bad; but Duncan’s book manages to offer a deeper
understanding of the intentions and motivations of the polymath, who helped
shape his times and who is still a well beloved and widely read author.
The book is
a brilliant read, never boring and it leaves one with a very vivid image of
Doyle at the turn of the century. Alistair Duncan added profoundly to the
already extensive source material we have on Doyle, and I highly and
whole-heartedly recommend the book to anyone who is interested in Doyle and his
You can buy this book in the Baker Street Babes Bookshop!
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